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Autore: Cocotier Tour Seychelles.
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Mahe Seychelles reveal shot of people on the beach, rock boulders

Mahe Seychelles reveal shot of people on the beach, rock boulders

Mahe Seychelles car passing on the road near the beach

Mahe Seychelles feeding tortoises inside the botanical garden

Mahe Seychelles river on granite rocks

woman playing with her dog

Seychelles endemic bird, Seychelles kestrel

Seychelles barred ground dove

Closeup of cat sitting

View of marsh

Sideway walking near the marsh

Flower and fountain at a hotel

Seychelles bulbul bird

Low flying drone at Baie Lazare beach

Mahe Seychelles 2 jet sky, moving towards shore

Bird eye view of locals and tourist sunday on the beach

Sir Selwyn Clarke market- Victoria Seychelles

High flying drone of Anse major beach

Drone of beautiful Anse forbans. beach

Fly through Anse major beach

Drone shot of moving towards middle rock anse forbans,

Drone flying over mangrove

Man-made fountain with natural rocks

Flying over boats upward reveal

Bird eye view of L'ilo island, boat passing by

Stunning shot of Anse major beach

Anse du riz beach & Anse du riz

Flying above boats, upward reveal

Drone of rock near anse solei beach

Drone flying low over national park

Flying over rock and ocean

Drone flight over national park

Boat approaching shore at beau vallon

La misery view point

Top solei beach

Drone of anse forbans, bird view in beach corner

Drone shot of Anse major beach, rocky side

Drone move towards Therese island

Drone over national park

moving towards Anse takamaka beach